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HomeCivil Service CommissionRules in Governing Contract of Service and Job Order Workers in the...

Rules in Governing Contract of Service and Job Order Workers in the Gov’t

This article will give you the updated rules and regulations in governing Contract of Service and Job Orders workers in the government.

However, this write up will focus only on the Transitory Provisions, which is the Section 11 of the CSC-COA-DBM Joint Circular No. 1, s.2017. If you want to read all the details of the previous Joint Circular, you can click the link below.

Read Also: CSC-COA-DBM Joint Circular No. 1, s.2017

Last November 9, 2018, the three government agencies (CSC, COA, and DBM) released the Joint Circular No. 1, s.2018 to amend the previous JC. Particularly, the Section 11 of the Joint Circular was hereby amended.

Amendments on Section 11.0 – Transitory Provisions

11. 1 – Agencies may engage the services of new Contract of Service and Job Order workers through individual contract and renew existing individual contracts until December 31, 2020. Thereafter, the engagement of Contract of Service and Job Order workers shall be in accordance with the provisions of JC No. 1, s. 2017.

11. 2 – The institutional contract to be entered into by government agencies with a contractor or service provider shall include a provision which will state that the existing qualified COS or JO workers engaged by the agencies may be considered in the hiring by the contractor or service provider.

11.3 – The existing qualified COS and JO workers shall be considered for appointment by the government agencies to their vacant positions subject to existing Civil Service Law and rules and agency CSC- approved Merit Selection Plan.

11.4 – Government agencies shall review their functions, systems and procedures, organizational structure and staffing to determine the appropriate human resource complement for their programs/activities/projects.

The creation of permanent positions may be considered for regular functions, while the hiring of casual or contractual personnel may be considered for projects and activities that are temporary in nature, subject to evaluation of the DBM/Governance Commission for GOCCs (GCG) and to existing budgeting and accounting rules and regulations.

11. 5 – Services of individuals engaged through contract of service and job orders shall be paid salary/wage equivalent to the daily salary/wage of comparable positions in government and a premium of up to 20% of such salary/wage effective January 1, 2019. The premium payment may be paid monthly, in lump sum or in tranches. (i.e. mid-year and year-end payments) as may be stated in the agreement or contract with the agency. The payment of services shall be charged against the Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses in the approved agency budget.

11.6 – Payment of services of persons or entities engaged through Republic Act No. 9184 shall be subject to the provisions of the said law and its implementing rules and regulations.

[PDF] Amendment to the CSC-COA-DBM JC No.1, s.2017

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